Working With Graduates: Keys To Success For Businesses

Are you facing a skills shortage and a vacuum of fresh talent that could assist your business in taking a big step towards success? Are you looking at expanding to an overseas market, and are you keen to tap into specific cultural habits and trends but there is a language barrier? Are you at a point where you want to give back to the greater community, but unsure what initiative would fulfil real social responsibility?

There are some significant benefits to hosting international graduate talent for internships, and with effective mentorship it can lead to a collaborative relationship and environment that brings value to your company.


Skills Shortage | Supporting The Country | Social Responsibility


Skills Shortage
Currently there’s a massive skills shortage in the industry for areas such as Information Technology, but we can help you. Performance Education has monthly cohorts of I.T. graduates, all wanting to gain experience that can assist in filling this gap. They provide their theoretical knowledge to everyday, practical use that can assist your business in their quest for success.

Supporting the Country
One of Australia’s biggest industries and exports is education! By supporting a graduate, you’re supporting the education industry which in turn benefits the country. And, by providing an internship opportunity to a young person, you’re helping them get one step closer to gaining employment. In addition, you’re potentially helping them to secure permanent residency in Australia through their Skilled Migration pathway and being a contributor to the local economy.

Social Responsibility
By mentoring a graduate, you’re changing someone’s life; you’re essentially paving their pathway to success. It lets your business set them up with experience for their next big role in the wider community. Plus, who knows, you may even want to employ them at the end of their internship if they’ve added real value to your business.


Insight On Overseas Markets | Fresh Perspective | Improved Talent Acquisition


Insight on Overseas Markets
Are you looking to expand into overseas markets, but there’s not only a language divide, but also a cultural divide that you want to overcome? Professional Year students come from a range of backgrounds, and can assist your business by providing insight into their cultures that can help you overcome such obstacles. Plus, if you’re looking to create cultural diversity within your organisation, Professional Year students are a great avenue to gain this.

Fresh Perspective
Graduates bring up-to-date knowledge from university, coupled with a fresh set of eyes or perspective to your business. This can lead to new efficiencies in operational procedures and policies; ultimately saving time and money that can affect the bottom line.

Improved Talent Acquisition
Did you know that there is ‘no cost’ to receiving monthly CVs from an internship provider like Performance Education? Instead of advertising on web-based platforms, get regular monthly access to new, exciting and upcoming local talent as opposed to using recruiters.


Address Resource Issues | Leadership and Mentorship Opportunities


Address Resource Issues
Are you sick of working ‘in’ your business and not ‘on’ it? Collaborating with a graduate on a strategic project which you haven’t had the time or resources to commit to can have real benefit to an organisation’s operations.

Leadership and Mentorship Opportunities
Do you have employees that are looking for the next challenge, or a chance to step up? Providing them the ability to coach and mentor a graduate can lead to greater motivation and output from current members of your team.


So, if you’re looking to achieve success in a range of areas, and are willing to provide a business environment that fosters a practical learning environment – why wouldn’t you want to collaborate with an international graduate?

Contact Performance Education if you want to take the next step towards success!


By Stuart Greig, Corporate Partnerships Executive

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