Why does your digital footprint matter?

The world today is geared towards technology, and we love to ‘share’ the who, what, when, where and why of our day-to-day lives leaving a digital trail.

So, when applying for jobs, it’s important to be mindful that employers are likely to search online to find out more about you. This information can play a role in shaping the first impression you give to an employer.

Also, much like when you go to an interview, your digital footprint is an opportunity to present ‘your personal brand’ in a way you’d be happy for an employer to see.

Performance Education’s tips for a positive digital footprint

  1. Research Yourself; To get a sense of what people may find about you, google yourself. Try a few combinations – this could include your name with your industry or city you live in.
  2. Clean up your image; Remove any content from your social channels that could be considered inappropriate to a potential employer – untag or delete unsavoury images or videos and unfollow/leave contentious groups. Delete outdated accounts hanging around unused (like Myspace) as they may be an open book if forgotten
  3. Check privacy settings; Each social platform has privacy settings that will allow you to control what is seen publicly and what is private for only accepted friends. That said, you should be always mindful of what you post even if to your friend as you never know where it could end up.
  4. Take control of your digital footprint; By separating personal and private accounts you can start to craft your online footprint. By knowing which accounts are career focused, and others personal, you can curate content accordingly.
  5. Know your platforms;LinkedIn & Twitter can work in your favour being your open digital resume – this is the right place to post about your career, achievements, study interests, find job opportunities and network! Facebook, Instagram, TikTok and Snapchat are largely personal platforms where you engage with family & friends to share moments, content, and stay in touch! This is just a guide as sometimes these channels will cross over.
  6. Think about what you post; Posting online is instant, and often public & permanent – it can take one share to be out of your hands. If you ‘THINK’ before you post or comment on social media and other online platforms & forums, it can go a long way in both avoiding problems and shaping your digital footprint to be a positive one.

    T – Is it true?
    H – Is it helpful?
    I – Is it inspiring?
    N – Is it necessary?
    K – Is it kind?

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