How Can You Develop Your Attention to Detail?

Attention to detail is the ability to achieve thoroughness and accuracy when accomplishing a task. As many employers seek this skill, it is not surprising to see many students list on their resume that they have ‘strong attention to detail’. However when asked how they can demonstrate this skill, many are unable to answer.

How can you demonstrate and develop your attention to detail? Here are some tips.

1. Provide examples

When you are asked about your strong attention to detail, provide examples of when you have demonstrated it. Don’t worry if you don’t have previous work experience relevant to your field. Even at University, you probably would have been involved in a project or had to submit an assignment where strong attention to detail was required. Similarly, you may have a casual retail job where you may be responsible for handling high volumes of cash and your attention to detail has helped you to find discrepancies.

Giving examples show that you know what you are talking about and prove that you have experience in this skill. Being able to provide examples of your attention to detail will tell potential and current employers that you can add value to an organisation; this makes you more employable.

2. Check your work

If, for example, you have written on your resume that you have good attention to detail but your resume is full of spelling and/or grammatical errors, it only shows that you do not have good attention to detail.

Similarly, if you are in an internship and you submit any work with a lot of mistakes, this will not demonstrate good attention to detail. Read and re-read your work before submitting it to your consultant/supervisor to avoid errors.

3. Don’t forget the small details

Create a checklist or calendar to ensure that even the smallest of details aren’t overlooked and that you complete tasks on time. When taking messages for your supervisor or colleagues, write down important details such as the name, time of call and person’s contact details, and pass this information on straight away so that details are not lost or forgotten.

The skill of having strong attention to detail shows up in various aspects. In the end, it is about being thorough and accurate with the work you do, and is a worthy skill to develop so you can achieve career success.

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