How to Handle Job Application Rejection

How to Handle Job Application Rejection: Strategies for Dealing with Rejection and Turning it into Growth  


“Thank you for your interest in [insert job role here]. Unfortunately, we will not be moving forward with your application” 


Ah yes, the generic job application rejection email from a job you applied for. I’m sure 99% of us have received this at some point. Or even worse, applied for a job and just heard absolutely nothing back. Sadly, these things happen and it’s totally normal to feel disappointed when you miss out on a job opportunity. Read on for our tips on dealing with job rejection. 

That said, try not to let it get you down for too long. These things happen to the best of us and there are a few things you can do to help you learn from the experience and stay positive until the right opportunity comes along. 

In this blog post, we’ll explore effective strategies for dealing with job application rejection and transforming it into a chance for personal growth and resilience. 

Keep Moving Forward: You’ve Got This! 


Ask for feedback:

Receiving feedback is a great way to learn and improve for the future. You may not always receive feedback from job opportunities, but it doesn’t hurt to ask! Another way to receive feedback is to ask a friend or family member to take a look at your resume. A fresh pair of eyes can sometimes spot mistakes that you’ve accidentally made and can help provide new insights and tips to help your resume stand out from the crowd. 

Tailor your Resume:

Tailoring your resume is more time-consuming than just sending the same one out to a bunch of different jobs, but it’s worth it. Each employer is looking for something slightly different and by tailoring your resume to each role’s requirements, you’re giving yourself the best chance of being selected for an interview! Look at the job description’s key words and phrases for the role that you’re applying for. Make sure your career objective statement, key competencies and even previous work experience include these key words and match the duties and responsibilities listed in the job description.  

Reflect and learn from your experiences:

It’s totally understandable to feel sad when you don’t hear back from a job application, or your application is rejected. Especially if you have tried your hardest and put a lot of effort into your application. But you must stay positive and not let these setbacks get you down – there will always be another opportunity that presents itself! Use this as a learning experience to go back over your resume to see if you’ve left anything off, or if you have any accidental spelling errors. Reflect on whether or not you can add anything else to your resume to showcase your skills and knowledge. Rejection after applying for jobs is tough but life’s all about challenges and overcoming them, it’s the bouncing back that counts!  


When applying for roles, remember there could be 20, 40 or even 150 applicants up for the same job. Competition is tough, so don’t take it personally if your application isn’t selected or if you don’t hear back. Everything happens for a reason and the next opportunity could be right around the corner! Keep applying and don’t give up.


You miss 100% of the shots job opportunities you don’t take apply for, so keep trying! 


By Josephine Wigan, Placement Consultant

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