Learn From Someone Who Wants You To Grow

We all have that certain person that we go to for advice. Whether it’s a parent of a friend, these people play a pivotal role in guiding us through any speedbumbs and uncertainties in our personal lives.

While this is a familiar concept in our personal lives for some reason many of us don’t have a similar individual to turn to in our professional lives.

At Performance Education we strongly believe that everyone can benefit from having a mentor. So before you come up with a reason to say “no”, consider these four reasons why you should say “yes” to having a mentor.

A Sounding Board

A mentor will have been around the block, they will have valuable advice and real life examples to help you navigate around any professional issues or problems.

Keep you on Track

We all know how difficult it can be to stay motivated but a mentor will know what you have set out to achieve and will hold you accountable to set goals.

Been there done that.

Having already put in the blood sweat and tears a mentor can provide you with valuable real-world knowledge on how to advance your career based on their own experience.

The Inside Scoop

A mentor will be aware of industry activity and can, therefore, inform of job opportunities, networking events and even share important contacts.
Ready to find your mentor?

If we have given you good enough reason for having a mentor then it’s time to start actually finding one.

Start small, and take some time to get to know different people. Begin considering and clarifying what you are looking for in a mentor. Who inspires and encourages you? If you’re at university, you may well find that your department offers a mentoring program with senior students.

At Performance we understand that finding a mentor can be a real struggle and that’s why we match our students with a dedicated individual during their placements to provide them with the support and training they need to take their first steps into the workplace.

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