4 Things Recruiters Look For When Hiring

When you are looking for your next work opportunity, it can be difficult to know what recruiters and HR Managers are looking for when they are recruiting their next hire.

I had lunch with a friend, Elizabeth, who is a graduate recruiter at a large multinational financial services organisation. She recruits into graduate programs as well as entry-point roles into their organisation. I asked her what she looks for when she recruits graduates, and she gave some tips for success.

1. Have a purpose

When graduates finish university, it can sometimes be hard to know exactly what to do and what next steps to take. Elizabeth said that a lot of applicants are very open to any type of opportunity, and whilst flexibility is a good thing, it is also important that the recruiter understands what you are seeking so they ensure you are the right fit for the opportunity. Elizabeth recommends tailoring your resume and cover letter for each opportunity you apply for to explain why you want this specific opportunity and why the company is one you would be keen to work for.

2. Be different

Each year, thousands of students graduate from university and enter the job market with dreams of securing the best opportunity and being successful in their chosen field. Many graduate resumes can look the same, so Elizabeth recommends finding something that is going to make you stand out, and get your resume up to the top of the pile. This could be including any achievements you are proud of such as High Distinctions or awards won at university. Showcasing any volunteer experience or part-time work experience where you have learnt new skills are also great ways to distinguish yourself.

3. Attitude

When you have just finished your studies, it is not expected that you have a wealth of experience or skills; however there will be a high focus on your attitude. A recruiter will be looking for your eagerness to learn and your work ethic so make sure that they see this in the application and recruitment process. Elizabeth recommends asking considered questions to find out more about the opportunity, doing research to understand the company profile better and showing your professionalism throughout the process.

4. Be patient

For each role that she has available, Elizabeth and her team receive around 50 – 100 applications via Seek, LinkedIn and Indeed, which means she has a high-volume of candidates and new hires to speak to on a daily basis. It can be tempting to want to call or email your recruiter every day when you are keen for an opportunity however this can often work against you. Elizabeth recommends waiting to be contacted as the recruiters are often waiting on more information before they update you. If you do call, it’s best to ask more information on the position rather than just for an update. Learn more about following up after an interview.

The job market can be quite daunting when you first start out. If you are looking for an extra helping hand when looking for work, reach out to one of our mentors who will be able to guide you through the process.

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