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CEO Blog: Reflection on 12 Years

I recently clocked up 12 years at Gradability. I started in 2010 as the General Manager of Melbourne. A time when Apple had just released a wacky contraption called the iPad. A social thing called ‘Instagram’ had just launched. MasterChef was only in season #2. And Kesha’s ‘Tik Tok’ was the #1 song of the

5 Ways To Stand Out When Job Hunting

‘Standing out from the crowd’ when job hunting is a sentence filled with cliches but is the biggest roadblock for most job seekers. The age-old question comes up time and time again – How do you stand out? How do I get ahead of other candidates? How can I make a memorable first impression? In

How to get the most out of your Professional Year

Many students still believe the myth that a Professional Year Program (PY) is simply about the migration pathway and securing five points, when the truth is (as we keep saying!) it’s so much more. Luckily, we constantly see students change their views once they commence their PY course after experiencing the true value a professional

The Grass Isn’t Always Greener On The Other Side

With unemployment at an all-time low, it is well noted to be a job-seekers market. And you may have the desire to ‘explore what’s out there’ to find better opportunities, salary and/or progression. If you’re just starting out in your career particularly, we urged you to consider all factors despite job opportunities being plentiful before

Should your business host an intern?

Considering welcoming an intern into your organisation? You’re not the only company in the current climate opening their doors to new internship or expanded programs. The popularity of interns has grown in Australia with many companies recognising the importance of providing work integrated learning opportunities to fresh graduates and students.  The benefits for interns are

What to expect on the first day of your Professional Year program

For those approaching the first day of their Professional Year program, it can be a mix of daunting, overwhelmed and excited feelings as you set off on a new journey that could help shape your career. Feeling prepared and knowing what to expect can help alleviate these concerns, so we’ve put together a guide to

How to write a cover letter

When it comes to job hunting the biggest hurdle for many is the dreaded cover letter. Generally, information in a CV is longstanding and can be tweaked with updates, however, cover letters should be tailored per job application. Experts continue to say, you should always include a cover letter as it is the best chance

Top Tips when completing your PY application

As an international student and IT or Accounting graduate from an Australian University, you’re likely to be aware of Professional Year Programs (PY). Completing a PY program will not only aid your efforts in become a permanent resident in Australia but importantly, and at the same time, help you grow professionally in your chosen career

Getting ahead: Not all internships are equal

Since lockdowns ended and people slowly started returning to offices around Australia, we’ve been hearing about The Great Resignation and how employees are voting with their feet, seeking greener pastures with better conditions and opportunities. With unemployment holding steady at a record low of 4% in Australia, it means attracting and retaining good staff has

How transferrable skills can help you get a job

Transferrable skills are highly sought after for employers and hiring managers. They can help you stand out from a crowd, change careers, or showcase experience when you might not have a lot at the start of your career. For graduates, they will often have limited practical experience or baseline technical skills so transferrable skills become